25 October 2001 |
Released version 1.0 of PG Explorer. |
2 November 2001 |
Fixed Constraint triggers to the proper ALTER TABLE syntax |
29 November 2001 |
Ver 1.01 PG Explorer
Help file added
Rules - added to sample and tree
Removed Auto Expand on the tree and added Drag and Drop to the editor
18 December 2001 |
Ver 1.02 PG Explorer
You can now Extract SQL on <unnamed> Constraint Triggers
The last position of the tree view will be saved from now on
Code Completion: Table names and field names added to code completion on the active editor if the tree expands
If your server is PostgreSQL ver 7.1 - Only User functions will be displayed
Database notice added: EXPLAIN SELECT will now work.
3 January 2002 |
Ver 1.03 PG Explorer
Added DB Port under settings.
Fixed a bug in the registration. Please upgrade to ver 1.03 before registering.
DBA Functions - you can now extract index SQL (BTREE,HASH and RTREE)
Extract Table will now (Correctly) specify HASH and RTREE types on Indexes
Extract Data with no records in the database will do nothing
Updated keywords for syntax highlighting
25 January 2002 |
PG Explorer Ver 1.04
Reports -> Added Table Statistics. Human readable format of the pg_statistic table
Reports ->Sequences All Sequences created but not used and duplicates on tables
Added Users in the table view. Users/Group ACL on a table
Extract Table SQL will also extract ACL SQL for Users/Groups.
Change "Database" on menu to "Connection"
Added "Reset" to re-establish the database connection.
Add Tree to the menu bar. Giving the option to either right click on the tree or use the menu.
11 February 2002 |
PG Explorer Ver 1.05
Support for postgres 7.2XX - Due to system table changes previous versions will not work with PostgreSQL Ver 7.2XX.
Shortcut Keys Ctrl-E Execute Ctrl-T Extract SQL Ext. Added
Generate SQL Template Wizards for Triggers and Indexes Added - Future Releases will have more.
Table Statistics Support for 7.2 - Display more information for system administrators.
New PostgeSQL Manual
15 February 2002 |
Minor Release - PG Explorer Ver 1.05a
Toolbar buttons now flat buttons
Fixed bug : A select on a function did not work. Fixed in this release ie. select my_function(4);
Support for the ALTER TABLE PRIMARY KEY on PostgreSQL Ver 7.2 - Extract Index.
Server messages (NOTICE) reformatted in the display window. Commands such as: "Explain Select * from my_table" will give formatted results.
Memory Leak in browse form fixed
Browse form will remember is last position and size
22 February 2002 |
PG Explorer Ver 1.06
Add Column / Field Wizard - ALTER TABLE
Add Function / Stored Procedure Wizard - CREATE FUNCTION
CHECKS on column and now be viewed on the field view in the tree
Add Wizard - Check Constraints an easy way to generate Regular Expressions on your fields
1 March 2002 |
Minor Release - PG Explorer Ver 1.06a
libpq.dll for PostgreSQL Ver 7.2 - Large BLOB field support
Early versions of 1.06 had a bug extracting tables with numeric fields - fixed
Colour Code reposes from the server
Add Wizard - Foreign Key Wizard
27 March 2002 |
Major Release - PG Explorer Ver 1.07
Error fixed after change database with a open select query.
Add Popup menu on editor.
Response Message Box will keep its postion if you re-execute the query.
If a PostgreSQL Error is raised the error messages and the notice will be displayed
Browse table has a limit and offset for large databases
Executing Select query with syntax error more than 4 times crashed PG explorer - fixed
Editor General Settings - Default Font and Font Size
Varios Changes to the editor including "--" comment highlighing
Wizards - 1) Add User and Add Group 2) User and group rights on table AND sequences
Add Users / Groups in tree view
Add User Rights in tree under sequences
Fixed User Rights on Extract SQL for 7.2