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How to use the Query Designer

The query designer is a new feature since Ver 2.0. This is a quick guide how to use the query designer.

Open the query design plane. There is several ways of opening the design plane.
  • File -> New -> Query Design
  • Toolbar -> New -> Query Design
  • Crtl - Q
  • Drag & Drop tables on the plane Select a table from the tree and drag drop it on the design plane
    Link table fields If you have mare than 2 tables in the design plane link corresponding fields by drag & drop the field to the corresponding field of the second table
    Select output fields Select all the output fields by checking the checkbox of the field name
    Specify criteria for fields Drag from the table box on the criteria plane the fields for which you need to specify a criteria
    Alias for table You can specify an alias for the table by double clicking the table
    Generate SQL Click the SQL button to generate the SQL.